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Full-Length Play, Drama / 2w, 5m
August Wilson
Image: 2015 Court Theatre Production (Michael Brosilow)
“Slow-burning, powerfully spiritual drama.” – Variety
“A swelling battle hymn of transporting beauty. Theatergoers who have followed August Wilson’s career will find in Gem a touchstone for everything else he has written.” – The New York Times
“Extraordinary and compelling… a master storyteller, August Wilson has written Gem of the Ocean with his signature humor, heart and drama.” – Broadway World
“Unsettling… the play has a good share of humor… a complex story about complicated issues of life after slavery.” – Columbia Chronicle
Spirituality in GEM OF THE OCEANby Omi JonesFebruary 25, 2016
GEM OF THE OCEAN, Theatrical Jazz, and an Expansive Blackness by Omi Jones February 24, 2016
Phylicia rashad performs scene from Gem of the Ocean
Scene 1 from Court Theatre's Gem of the Ocean
Scene 2 from Court Theatre's Gem of the Ocean
August Wilson (April 27, 1945 - October 2, 2005) authored Gem of the Ocean, Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, The Piano Lesson, Seven Guitars, Fences, Two Trains Running, Jitney, King Hedley II and Radio Golf. These works explore the heritage and experienc ...
by August Wilson